获奖成果: 序号 奖励等级 获奖题目 排位 获奖证书扫描件 1 吉林省科学技术进步三等奖 分形图像压缩及在信息处理中的应用 第一 2 吉林省科学技术进步一等奖彩色图像的多维矩阵理论模型及其变换压缩编码器 第五 3 长春市科学技术进步二等奖 彩色视频的四维矩阵表示模型及其变换压缩编码器 第五 主要学术著作、论文: 序号 题目 刊物 年份 是否检索 1 hardware design for mpeg-7 color descriptor based on sub-block,icsp’06 volume 1 of iv 553-556 2 a dynamic blood information management system based on rfid,27th annual international conference of the ieee-embs,2005 3 combination of color and object outline based method in video segmentation spie electronic imaging 2004 vol.5307. istp. 4 a feature distance based algorithm for video segmentation proceedings of 8th iasted on internet and multimedia systems and applications 2004 406-410. istp 5 image retrieval based on modified fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm,proceedings of 8th iasted on internet and multimedia systems and applications 2004 103-107. istp 6 traffic peccancy processing system based on image recognition, itsc 2003 proceedings 1200-1205. istp 7 智能仪器 吉林科技出版社 2001