近5年主要学术著作、论文: 1.a bit arbitration tree anti-collision protocol in radio frequency identification systems. international journal of distributed sensor networks, 2017, 13(11): 1-10. 2.离散度wknn位置指纹wi-fi定位算法.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2017,49(5):94-99. 3.基于网络连通性的移动锚节点定位算法. 通信学报,2017,38(4):149-157. 4.identifying the unknown tags in a large rfid system, china communications, 2017, 14(1):135-145. 5.基于核函数特征提取的室内定位算法研究. 通信学报,2017,38(1):158-167. 6.fast unknown tag identification in large-scale rfid systems. 6th ieee/cic international conference on communications in china (iccc2017), 22-24 october 2017-qingdao, china. 7.routing algorithm based on minimum energy consumption for wsns. 6th ieee/cic international conference on communications in china (iccc2017), 22-24 october 2017-qingdao, china. 8.a fast dodag formation mechanism to improve trickle algorithm with the rpl routing protocol. the ieee international conference on wireless communications, signal processing and networking (wispnet2017), chennai-603110, india, march 22-24, 2017. 9.基于马尔可夫决策模型的异构无线网络切换选择算法. 物理学报, 2016.12,65(23): 934-940. 10..基于连续时隙预测的帧时隙aloha防碰撞算法. 电子学报, 2016, 44(9): 2081-2086. 11.beacon deployment strategy for guaranteed localization in wireless sensor networks. wireless networks, aug., 2016, 22(6):1947-1959. 12.面向5g通信网的d2d技术综述. 通信学报,2016,37(7): 1-14. 13.无线网络定位综述. 计算机学报,2016, 39(6): 1237-12356. 14.基于负载均衡的m2m网络多径路由算法. 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2016, 46(3): 934-940 15.无线传感器网络中基于序列相关性的数据压缩算法. 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(3): 713-719 16.蓝牙微微网内多优先级业务动态带宽分配算法. 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2016, 46(1): 284-289 17.基于分组机制的位仲裁查询树防碰撞算法. 通信学报,2016,37(1): 123-129 18.modified multipath upward routesto improve dodag discovery performance in rpl-based llns.basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology, december 2015,117 (si): 7-7 19.一种基于误差距离加权与跳段算法选择的遗传优化dv-hop定位算法. 电子与信息学报, 2015,37(10): 2418-2423 20.synchronization for the environment of ofdm cooperative communications based on preamble design and phase rotation. china communications,2015,12(9):122-132. 21.基于强化学习的ieee802.15.4网络区分服务策略. 通信学报,2015,36(8):171-181. 22.改进的树型结构rfid防碰撞算法. 通信学报,2015,36(7):129-137. 23.ir-uwb系统中基于归一化门限的toa估计.北京邮电大学学报,2015,38(4):19-23. 24.the accuracy analysis and boundary finding algorithm of range-free localization. indoor positioning and indoor navigation(ipin 2015), banff, canada, october 13-16, 2015. 25.an overview of anti-collision protocols for radio frequency identification devices. china communications, 2014, 11(11): 44-59. 26.无线传感器网络中多边定位的聚类分析改进算法. 电子学报, 2014, 42(8): 1601-1607. 27.an adaptive tag anti-collision protocol in rfid wireless systems. china communications, 2014, 11(7): 117-127. 28.基于平均场均衡的ad hoc网络路由协议. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2014, 35(4): 504-509. 29.基于双通信半径的传感器网络dv-hop定位算法. 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2014, 44(2): 502-507. 30.a non-line-of-sight mitigation localization algorithm for sensor networks using clustering analysis. computers and electrical engineering. 2014,40(2):433-442. 31.an efficient hop count routing protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. international journal of automation and computing, february 2014, 11(1): 93-99. 32.基于跳距修正粒子群优化的wsn定位算法. 通信学报,2013,34(9):105-114 33.基于ieee802.15.4的改进型隐藏节点冲突避免策略. 吉林大学学报(工学版),2013,43(3):776-780 34.a uniqueness guarantee timing synchronization algorithm for mb-ofdm based uwb systems. chinese journal of electronics, 2013, 22(cje-1): 141-145 近5年获得的科技奖励: 物联网定位与识别系统中的信息采集及传输,吉林省科技进步一等奖(no.2015j1g007),负责人 |