以第一作者和通信作者身份发表的sci/ei期刊论文 [1] hu xiao, wang ping, hu yunfeng, chen hong, a stability-guaranteed and energy-conserving torque distribution strategy for electric vehicles under extreme conditions, applied energy, 2020, 259: 114162.(通信作者) [2] hu xiao, chen hong, li zihan, wang ping, an energy-saving torque vectoring control strategy for electric vehicles considering handling stability under extreme conditions, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2020, 69(10): 10787-10796.(通信作者) [3] wang ping, liu hanghang, guo lulu, zhang lin, ding haitao, chen hong, design and experimental verification of real-time nonlinear predictive controller for improving the stability of production vehicles, ieee transactions on control systems technology, 2020, doi: 10.1109/tcst.2020.3015832. [4] li zihan, wang ping, zhu chaojie, hu yunfeng, chen hong, mpc-based strategy for longitudinal and lateral stabilization of a vehicle under extreme conditions, science china information sciences, 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11432-019-3070-y.(通信作者) [5] wang ping , zhu chaojie,gao jinwu, feedforward model predictive control of fuel-air ratio for lean-burn spark-ignition gasoline engines of passenger cars, ieee access, 2019, 7:73961-73969. [6] yang xiaoping , li mengjie, wang ping , hu yunfeng, an adaptive‐aware energy and queue improvement of aomdv, international journal of communication systems 2019, e4054.(通信作者) [7] hu yunfeng, chen huan, wang ping, chenhong, ren luquan. nonlinear model predictive controller design based on learning model for turbocharged gasoline engine of passenger vehicle. mechanical systems and signal processing, 2018, 109:74-88. (通信作者) [8] wang ping, zhu chaojie and yang xiaoping, a noval aqm algorithm based on feedforward model predictive control, international journal of communication systems, 2018,31(12):1-12. [9] wang ping ,zhu daji,lu xiaohui,active queue management algorithm based on data-driven predictive control,telecommunication systems,2017,64(1):103-111. [10] wang ping ,yu shuyou,chen hong ,t-s model-based nonlinear moving-horizon h-infinity control and applications,fuzzy sets and systems,2013,212:78-96. [11] wang ping ,chen hong ,yang xiaoping,ma yan,design and analysis of a model predictive controller for active queue management,isa transactions,2012.1.01,51(1):120-131. [12] wang ping, liu ziyang, liu qifang, chen hong, an mpc-based manoeuvre stability controller for full drive-by-wire vehicles. control theory and technology, 2019, 17(4): 357-366. [13] 王萍, 刘姿玚, 陈虹, 郭洪艳. 基于时滞特性分析的车辆主动扩稳优化控制. 控制理论与应用, 2020, 37(6): 1253-1259. [14] 李梓涵, 陈虹, 王萍. 基于复合滑移轮胎模型的车辆横纵协同优化控制. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2019,47: 1-8.(通信作者) [15] 顾万里, 王萍, 胡云峰, 蔡硕,陈虹. 具有 h∞ 性能的轮式移动机器人非线性控制器设计[j]. 吉林大学学报 (工学版), 2018, 48(6): 1811-1819. (通信作者) [16] 王萍,于鸿昶,刘奇芳,陈虹,主动队列管理的约束h_∞状态反馈控制方法,控制理论与应用,2013.12.01,(11):1353-1359 [17] 王萍,陈虹,卢晓晖,预测控制主动队列管理算法的设计与分析,通信学报,2011.01.01,32(9) [18] 王萍,江和耀,范亚南,陈虹,基于输入观测器的分缸空燃比估计,吉林大学学报(工学版),2013.01.01,43(6):1574-1580 [19] 王萍,陈虹,卢晓晖,基于预测控制的时滞网络主动队列管理,吉林大学学报(工学版),2011.7.15,(04):1089-1095 [20] 王萍,陈虹,杨晓萍,动态矩阵主动队列管理算法,控制理论与应用,2010.8.15,(08):971-978 专利 [1] 王萍,朱超杰,刘行行,高猛,稀薄燃烧汽油机燃空比系统控制方法,2020-08-18,中国,cn201811087852.3. [2] 王萍,刘姿玚,李梓涵,朱超杰,基于随机时滞的车辆稳定性评价方法,2020-3-20,中国,cn201811024157.2. 获得的科研奖励 1. 吉林省自然科学二等奖, 网络性能约束下的数据流多目标优化控制理论与方法, 王萍 杨晓萍 陈虹 ,2019